Why We Love ADHD Medication Names (And You Should, Too!)

ADHD Medication Names Your doctor may try other treatments if the one you're currently taking isn't working or causing side effects. Some people take several ADHD medications to find the one that best manages their symptoms and has the least adverse effects. Stimulants help treat ADHD by adjusting levels of two chemical messengers in the brain called norepinephrine and dopamine. They are available in extended-release or immediate-release tablets which are taken once a day. Stimulants The most common drugs prescribed to treat ADHD are stimulants. They boost the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which can help improve focus and attention. adhd without medication are available in immediate-release (short-acting) and extended-release forms. The most frequently prescribed stimulants are methylphenidate amphetamine dextroamphetamine as well as the lisdexafetamine. These are controlled substances with a high potential for abuse. These drugs can cause adverse effects such as anxiety, tics, and decreased appetite. Some children on these medications suffer a slight slowdown in their growth. These medications can also increase the heart rate and blood pressure. It is essential to follow the doctor's advice regarding the quantity and frequency of the use. If stimulants are not effective or cause unwanted side effects, non-stimulant medications can be used to treat ADHD. Atomoxetine is an example of a medication that isn't approved by the FDA to treat ADHD. It's part of a class of drugs known as selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. It increases the levels of noradrenaline in the brain which aids in controlling impulses and improve concentration. It is available in capsules and is typically taken once or twice daily. Guanfacine XR and clonidine XR are two other examples of non-stimulant drugs that are used to treat ADHD. Both belong to a class of drugs called alpha-2 adrenergic receptors that were initially developed to lower high blood pressure. They are often used “off-label” to treat ADHD due to their calming effect that can relieve anxiety, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. of aggression. Behavioral therapy is an effective treatment for children and adults with ADHD as well as those who choose not to take medication. Behavioral strategies can be taught to improve the efficiency of organizational skills such as time management, study and habits. Other strategies include cognitive behavior therapy as well as parenting education. According to research, for the majority of people suffering from ADHD symptoms of ADHD can either be managed or eliminated by making appropriate dietary and exercise changes. non stimulant adhd medication suggest not eating foods that are known to cause ADHD. ADHD and Drug Abuse It is important to educate patients about the dangers of consuming prescription stimulant drugs. It is important to encourage patients to keep their prescription stimulant medicines in a safe place and not to share them with anyone else. Be sure to remind them that taking stimulants in conjunction with other medications, including over-the-counter cold medicines, can lead to dangerous and even life-threatening adverse reactions. In an earlier Web survey of students misusing ADHD medication, many cited the desire to perform better at school as their primary reason for taking the drug. Other reasons include poor sleeping habits and the pressure to finish their assignments. ADHD treatment requires trial and error to find the appropriate dosage, medication and schedule that will work for the individual patient. The aim is to minimize the side effects of the drug while maximising its effectiveness. It takes time and open, honest communication between a doctor or mental health professional and patient to achieve this. This is especially true for children.